The Top 10 Causes of Skin Damage and Wrinkles

29 October 2022

Here are 10 things to stay away from if you want to maintain healthy skin.

1. Sun exposure:

In addition to the risk of skin cancer, exposure to the sun damages the epidermis, the top layer of skin. 90% of the signs of skin aging, according to researchers, are attributed to exposure to the UVA and UVB rays of sunshine. Over time, this damage builds up and shows up as wrinkles, age spots, and apparent redness. Another effect of sun exposure is that it can make people squint or frown in an effort to block out the intense light, which leads to wrinkles around the eyes and between the brows. If you're going to be outside in the sun, use broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30, and don't forget your sunglasses!

2. Smoking:

The nicotine in cigarettes (or e-cigarettes) causes the tiny capillaries that carry blood to the skin's surface to constrict, which prevents the skin's ability to regenerate cells and rid it of contaminants. Additionally, it releases an enzyme that degrades the crucial collagen and elates your skin's needs to stay youthful-looking. The smoke from cigarettes contains hundreds of poisons, all of which circulate in your system. It is also generally known that smoking prevents the skin from healing after a wound.

3. Stress:

Every area of your body suffers from stress, but the damage is most obvious on your skin. Patients frequently inform us that stress makes their eczema, dandruff, and other diseases worse. On the other hand, the Best skin specialist in Lucknow has demonstrated that those who engage in deep relaxation techniques like meditation heal more quickly. Lymphatic system cleansing is facilitated by slow, deep breathing from the abdomen. Additionally, the increased blood flow increases cell renewal and the production of the collagen and elastic needed to reduce wrinkles.

3. Stress:

Every area of your body suffers from stress, but the damage is most obvious on your skin. Patients frequently inform us that stress makes their eczema, dandruff, and other diseases worse. On the other hand, the Best skin specialist in Lucknow has demonstrated that those who engage in deep relaxation techniques like meditation heal more quickly. Lymphatic system cleansing is facilitated by slow, deep breathing from the abdomen. Additionally, the increased blood flow increases cell renewal and the production of the collagen and elastic needed to reduce wrinkles.

4. Improper nutrition:

Best Dermatologist in Lucknow has Foods heavy in fat, and refined flour and processing can aggravate skin, lead to breakouts, degrade collagen, and elate your skin needs to look younger. Eat the suggested five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Additionally, pay attention to foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which not only nourish the skin but also serve to plump it up, hence decreasing wrinkles, such as salmon, avocados, walnuts, olive oil, and flaxseeds. The majority of foods that are white in color should be avoided, including white bread, pasta, sugar, and potatoes. Choose colorful items from the outside of the grocery store instead.

5. Sugar:

Sugar has its own category because it not only harms the cardiovascular system (and, subsequently, the skin) in the same way that smoking and fatty meals do but also because it affects collagen, Dermatologist in Lucknow has a component that maintains skin and prevents wrinkles, through a process known as gyration. To put it another way, sugar actually binds to our collagen, turning it crispy rather than supple, resulting in a dry, cracked, sagging, and wrinkled appearance.

6. Alcohol:

Drinking serves as a diuretic, drawing water from your body, which can cause excessive alcohol to dry up your skin. Additionally, it can irritate the skin's surface, resulting in the capillary enlargement that gives people a rosy complexion and makes rosaceous worse. Keep in mind that anything you put into your body will manifest itself on your skin. Due to its antioxidant and resveratrol content, red wine in moderation might be the sole exception to this rule. But it's preferable to save the beer and booze for special events.

7. Poor sleep:

Overproduction of cortical, a hormone that prevents skin cells from renewing themselves, is a side effect of insufficient sleep. Seven to eight hours is the recommended amount of sleep per night.

8. Sleeping posture:

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) cautions that frequently frowning as well as sleeping on your side or stomach each night can leave permanent wrinkles on your cheeks, chin, and chest. Although getting good sleep is more important than getting no sleep, the AAD advises resting on your back whenever possible.

9. Inadequate exercise:

Exercise infuses the skin with oxygen-rich blood, stimulating the creation of new skin cells and aiding the replacement of aged skin cells. Additionally, it encourages lymphatic fluid circulation, the body's method of eliminating waste and providing nutrients. Even a brisk walk is beneficial for your skin when you exercise.

10. Insufficient cleaning procedure:

Generally speaking, gentler is preferable when it comes to skincare. You don't need to use abrasive scrubs, but you do need to wash your face twice a day to get rid of the toxins from the environment that you are exposed to on a daily basis. Natural exfoliates that are too harsh might dehydrate the skin naturally. After cleaning the skin, don't forget to moisturize it with a potent topical cream or lotion to keep the moisture in. Even just moisturizing can make a significant difference in the way fine lines and wrinkles appear.